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Inclusion Needs at AISJ

The Inclusion Needs (IN) Department runs through the school to address all students' individual needs, at any point in their AISJ journey. 

Some of our students need support acquiring English, others need help adjusting to our learning styles and our curriculum after coming from different educational frameworks. Some of our students have diagnosed needs and some of our students are on our radar for possible unidentified needs. The aim of our Inclusion Needs department is to deliver individualized support until the student can thrive at school independently. A large percentage of students at AISJ receive some form of support from IN at some point in their school careers. 

We are proud to have a well-staffed department which is remarkable for a school of our size, and many different forms of support are available. Being a non-selective school, we pride ourselves in including all kinds of learners.  When we become aware of a student’s inclusion needs, we consult with the family, teachers, outside professionals, and the school counselor to come up with a holistic support plan.  The plans can range from informal in-class support, to individually targeted small-group or individual lessons, to full-time shadows when appropriate. Certain services are included in school tuition, and other services require additional fees, depending on the level of support. 

If you are considering AISJ for your child and would like to discuss the support options available, or if you are already at AISJ and  have information on your child's learning needs or would like to share any concerns, please contact Fay Blau (Elementary Inclusion Coordinator):, or Malika Levi Beiruti (Secondary Inclusion Coordinator):