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Leave of Absence Request

Parents and Guardians are strongly urged not to book holidays or take special leave during school term time because your child will miss out on important school work and may not be able to catch up. This could have serious consequences on progress, attainment and opportunities later in life.

Other pupils' education could be affected - the time teachers have to help all the children in a class is reduced if they spend time helping your child catch up after a holiday. Educational experiences in school missed as a result of a family holiday cannot be re-captured later.

If you feel that absence from school in term time is absolutely unavoidable, complete this form and return it to the Head of School.

Please be advised that holidays in term time are not a right and will only be granted under exceptional circumstances. Each case is considered individually; however, leave will not usually be granted if your child already has low attendance or if the leave coincides with important examinations.

Request For Leave Form